
Analysis of agents and all the ways to speed up your rank boosting in Apex Legends

Apex is one of the most famous battle royale shooters in which players survive empty-handed and compete with each other to collect equipment and weapons by surviving and eliminating other players to receive an apex boost rank provided you win the match, or take high places.

The beginning of boosting and development in Apex Legends

To increase your level of play, and therefore your rank in Apex, you need to learn to shoot, collect resources, survive difficult phases in matches and be able to select agents and use their key skills.

How to speed up your rank progression in Apex Legends:

  1. Practice your shooting.
  2. Learn to analyze the situation.
  3. Improve your survival skills at every stage of the match.
  4. Master as many agents as possible and gradually expand your pool.
  5. Order a boost in Apex Legends to immediately learn to play against the best and experienced players.

Practice your shooting

In games like Apex, shooting is not difficult, because the developers do not set themselves the task of creating a full-fledged military simulator with bullet ballistics and many realistic tricks.

The bullets will fly straight, as in many session shooters, and you just need to learn how to control the recoil of each type of weapon.

In general, you will have the opportunity to try all types of weapons in different variations simply because you never know what you will come across in cases during the landing, and in the early stages of the match you will not have much choice.

To learn how to shoot better and get a rank boost in Apex, you need to master three shooting methods:

  • Single fire.
  • Shooting three rounds.
  • Automatic attack.

Single fire

This is a method that is available with literally any weapon, but is more often used with automatic weapons like a machine gun or an assault rifle.

This is a targeted type of shooting that allows you to destroy enemies at a long distance and at the same time maintain a high accuracy rate.

Single shooting should be used to start the battle, but if several shots do not bring results, then you can switch to burst fire, or automatic fire, to increase the likelihood of destroying the target.

Shooting three rounds

The most frequent and lethal format of shooting, which with a high degree of probability destroys opponents, is shooting with three rounds.

The secret is that each weapon has its own spread during continuous shooting, but with just three rounds you can control it and direct all the ammunition in the direction you need.

Try to aim below your head because the first bullet will fly straight, the next one higher, and the last one slightly lower. By aiming for the neck, you increase the likelihood that each round will hit a critical part of the enemy’s body and cause fatal damage. The first bullet may kill, but if it doesn’t, the remaining bullets will finish what they started.

This format works well at medium distances and in close combat, but is ineffective at long distances due to problems with aiming and accuracy – more precisely, the first bullet will fly where it should, and the rest will miss, which will lead to incorrect ammo consumption.

Automatic attack

This is the most common method of shooting among beginners – uncontrolled, who do not yet know how to control their fire.

This approach is bad because you spend a lot of ammunition, which will simply fly past the target. You need to learn how to shoot in general in order to use automatic fire in a targeted and correct manner, turning bullets into a deadly spray.

You simply lower the scope and watch the ammo tracers to adjust them in the desired direction.

This is not the most optimal format for combat, and it is better to trust aimed fire and switch to automatic only as a last resort.

Learn to analyze the situation

Apex Legends is an interesting format of battle surrounded by enemies, and the biggest mistake players make in matches is not shooting, or the inability to collect drops, but an incorrect assessment of the situation.

All this results in dangerous landing zones, attempts to engage in battle on unfavorable conditions, not understanding when to advance and when it is better to lie low.

To start moving in the right direction, you need to train your thinking, and it consists of simple rules of behavior in dangerous territory:

  1. Your first task is to survive. The longer you live, the more Apex rank boost you will receive. You don’t even have to kill enemies – it’s desirable, but not necessary.
  2. Look for weapons, but think about the direction in which you will advance – avoid open places and use natural cover more.
  3. Keep your skills until necessary and do not attract attention, because there are many enemies around you and the general noise may attract too many players, which will reduce your chances of survival.

Improve your survival skills at every stage of the match

Each match is divided into several stages – preparation for departure, landing, first narrowing of the playing area, second, third and final.


This is the starting time, which is allocated for players as a warm-up and is needed so that gamers with different resources have time to load before flying to the battle map.


The plane will fly over the game map in a random direction, and each gamer will decide for himself at what moment to begin his landing.

Try to choose zones where a large number of enemies do not land and have at least a couple of buildings where you are guaranteed to have a starting weapon, and you will not be too far from the first narrowing of the game map.

Reducing play areas

At the beginning of the match, approximately 5 minutes after landing, the playing area will begin to gradually decrease in order to force players to constantly fight with each other and find out which of them deserves top 1 status in this match – such gamers are the fastest to get boosted in Apex Legends.

Each new stage will further reduce the size of the game map, and you need to have time to get into the safe zone.

Closer to the final stage, the area will be completely minimal, and gradually it will decrease to the arena, where the final battle for the top 1 status among all surviving players will take place.

Master as many agents as possible and gradually expand your pool

To progress to Apex, you need to understand the agent system and gradually expand your pool.

Start with simple and straightforward agents who can independently ensure increased survivability and simplified gameplay, and then gradually move on to more complex characters with improved damage capabilities and mechanics.

Start with Lifelane, or Octane – these are heroes who can create first aid kits for themselves, or regenerate health.

Then try out Bastion and Bangalore, two heroes with increased defense and large area damage due to unique skills.

Gradually move on to more complex heroes who can provide intelligence for themselves – like Rafe, or Bloodhound, who, through stealth or tracking, can always know where opponents are.

More complex heroes are those who cannot defend themselves with skills, but can risk their lives to gain strength in battle. For example, summoning a swarm of drones for damage and reconnaissance, which Crypto uses.

Order a boost in Apex Legends to immediately learn to play against the best and experienced players

Sometimes, in order to get into the major leagues and play against really strong players, you need to spend many hours mastering shooting, but at the same time you also have high survival skills and luck, because sometimes the top 1 status is determined by chance – where one player destroys 30 opponents on his path, and the other, simply by coincidence, will not meet enemies and will become the winner, but such matches will not always happen.

To play faster against strong enemies, you can order a rank boost from Apex Legends Skycoach.

This is the help of a professional service, in which your account is taken under control and promoted to the rank you need, which you choose yourself, and this can be minimal assistance, or the full development of your division.

The account is transferred so that no factors affect the speed and quality of the Skycoach booster, and in return you receive financial guarantees and anonymity so that your desire to increase your rank in Apex Legends receives only a positive aspect and not a negative one.

The time it takes to complete a task closely depends on the rand you intend to receive, but at any time you can view the status of the order and its progress, and when the task is completed, you will receive a notification in your personal account and will be able to return to your account and change your password. 

You must be prepared for the fact that during the gameplay you will lose rank, but gain experience, and gradually you will regain this rank on your own, so be patient.

List of links and articles that were used to write this guide

  1. – a detailed guide for beginners in Apex from the Skycoach service.
  2. – video guide about the basics of playing Apex Legends.
  3. – a starting guide from the developers that will help you better understand the gameplay features in Apex Legends.

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